Most people view dogs as family members. We nurture our dogs with lots of love and care. However, some dog owners neglect or abuse their dogs, which results in aggressive behavior. This behavior often results in dogs biting people. Dog bites may result in substantial physical injuries, medical bills, and lost income. The experienced attorneys at Slatter Law Firm will aggressively fight to recover the maximum compensation for your injuries.
The la holds dog owners strictly liable for their dogs’ bites. In other words, dog owners are liable for their dogs’ bite and resulting injuries, regardless of whether the dog bit someone before or whether the owner knew of the dog’s dangerous nature. As such, victims of dog bites are not required to prove the dog owner was aware that his or her dog previously bit someone.
One of the most common injuries caused by a dog bite is an infection. Dog bite victims are therefore fearful that the dog has rabies. As such, dog bites must be reported to a local health official. The biting dog will be quarantined for up to ten (10) days or until it is determined the dog does not have rabies. The local health official will designate an animal control agency to conduct an investigation of the dog bite. An animal control officer will interview the dog bite victim to verify his or her account of the bite. The officer will also recommend necessary medical treatment.
The officer will also investigate the likelihood the victim has contracted rabies from the bite. The officer will evaluate the following factors:
- Whether the dog has demonstrated excessively violent behavior;
- Whether the dog was provoked by the victim before the bite;
- The dog’s age, as younger dogs are more likely to have rabies;
- The dog’s rabies vaccination history;
- Past dog bites; and
- Whether rabies existed in the local area in the recent days or weeks.
If the dog is determined to be low risk for rabies, then the dog may be quarantined at the dog owner’s home for up to ten days. If the dog is determined to be high risk for rabies, then the dog will be quarantined at an animal shelter or a veterinarian’s office. During the quarantine, the dog will be examined by a veterinarian. If the veterinarian determines that the dog does not have rabies, the dog will be released from the quarantine with a rabies vaccine administered. The victim will also be informed that the dog did not have rabies.
If the dog is diagnosed with rabies, the dog will be euthanized. Dogs may also be euthanized if the dog has bitten someone on two or more prior occasions; or the dog was trained to fight or trained as an attack dog, and has bitten and seriously injured someone in the past.
Statute of Limitations
These dog bite cases must be filed within two years from the injury date. Failure to file your dog bite case within this time will result the Court dismissing your case. Therefore, please contact your dog bite attorney immediately after your injury.
Contact Us Today
Contact a Los Angeles personal injury attorney today if you or a loved one suffered a dog bite. Slatter Law Firm has been helping individuals injured due to dog bites throughout Los Angeles and Southern California for over four decades. To schedule a free consultation, call our office at (310) 405-0964 or contact us online.