Accidents With Out-of-State Driver
There are numerous different types of car accidents. Regardless of the type, car accidents raise many complex issues. For example, accidents involving an out-of-state driver raise questions regarding a victim’s ability to recover compensation for his or her injuries. Generally, car accidents can result in significant physical injuries that greatly alter your quality of life. They clearly result in substantial medical bills, lost income, potential disability, death, and pain and suffering. The experienced attorneys at Slatter Law Firm will aggressively fight to recover the maximum compensation for your injuries.
If you were involved in a car accident with an out-of-state driver, you will likely be concerned about obstacles to compensation for your injuries. However, Code of Civil Procedure section 401.10 grants California courts the authority to exercise jurisdiction over nonresident drivers. In other words, if a nonresident driver’s negligence caused your accident, the nonresident driver is financially responsible for your damages and injuries. Additionally, if a nonresident driver violates a California traffic law, the nonresident driver can be ticketed in the same manner as a resident driver.
- At least $15,000 for each person injured or killed in an accident;
- At least $30,000 for multiple people’s injuries or deaths; and
- At least $5,000 for property damage.