Important Laws Regarding Bicycling
Bicyclists share the road with numerous vehicles of different sizes, including sedans, SUVs, trucks, and semi-trucks. Bicyclists are particularly at risk of great harm from an accident because of their minimal protection relative to these vehicles. Bicyclists also tend to go unnoticed by other motorists. Knowledge of the laws regarding bicycling helps prevent these accidents. Below is a description of those laws.
California imposes certain safety requirements on bicyclists to prevent accidents. Specifically, bicyclists must operate bicycles with brakes that “make one braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.” Additionally, bicyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear helmets, which meet the safety standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Helmets have proven to reduce the risk of brain injury or death. Therefore, adult bicyclists should also wear these helmets.
There are additional laws regarding bicycling during darkness or at night. In order to bicycle at night, your bicycle must have the following: 1) a lamp emitting a white light that is visible from the front of the bicycle from a distance of 500 feet; 2) a red reflector or a solid or flashing red light that is visible from 500 feet from the rear of the bicycle; and 3) a white or yellow reflector on each pedal that is visible from 200 feet.